
Yeah~ at least i can made a ringtone in auda <3 i made many cuts from 'hope'..
Love that song
Hope (8 cut)
although it's not a must (4 cut)
btw, im forgot some id in some forum and website ouh... i used many username.. like this : ~Ftiindo - CaRameL_JeJin *gee. wrong in jaejin's name.rofl*
~SNSD-indo;MSN - angeluvwookie
~Yaoi-indo, Diadem5, sparklingt-ara - *AngeL *i won't miss this username cause is my name* ~Seunghyunfied - KIRAhoLic *im join the forum when i addicted to death note. KIRAhoLic *
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:48 PM