SMs 'gajeh' with Talitha

Yesterday i made the funny converstation with my Friend, Talitha
Yeah~ we made the "fanficts"
but, it's very... gajeh and spontan
the story :
i want to kill hongki because he angry or the other word : melirik sadis to seunghyun.
Talitha try to guard him
and then, She go with hun, and hongki watch Genie with Minhwan, jaejin, and me
but, Wonbin is come and jealous with Jonghun.
Hongki too... He is jealous with Talitha xD
So, hongki throw a pillow to hun and go...
hun still make wonbin angry because Talitha has 2 names : Seui, Saehee
Hongki know her with seu i name, wonbin know her with Saehee name.
so funny..they are same jealous
and the story of me, talitha shout : "angel is Haeri and Hyunri too!!"
yeah~~ Hongki and jaejin know me with hyunri, seunghyun know me with Haeri.
i try to lie again.
"wutt?? who is hyunri and haeri? my name is HAN CHAE RIN" and i go with minhwan
so funny...
very weird Story!!!
i made it with talitha until 2am
and i slept at 3 am
ouh... very sleepy =___=
Labels: fanfict, FT island, note, talitha
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:24 PM