
New Month : New Skin
actually i changed my blog's skin because many forum changed them skin too..
like : FTIsland-indo, Seunghyunfied, Silh0uette and two again coming soon.
Seunghyunfied and Silh0uette changed thm board! ipbfree~ so cool!!
and.. i have told about someone who steal my psd pict?
she is join SHF, and fill the 'staff application'
on "experience before" she is write "soshified, Soshi-indo, TVXQ-island, and *im forget*"
the admind asked her : "r u mod on soshified?" she said : "oh, no, but im mod in other forum i said except ssf"
so I PM her and ask, she said she is a translator on ssi. She is not!!!
LIAR. i don't like her ><
Labels: new skin, note, seunghyunfied, snsd-indo
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:14 PM