
Rarely update this blog...
im very busy now..
busy to play with my friend.lol
huuuuh... today the teacher angry to my friend and gave her a punishment.
it's why i can't play at canteen again after school T.T
i want to see that face agaiinn... if im often to eat at canteen, how is i can't eat there agaiin?
when when when when???
ah.. i made a nickname for my teacher... "mrs. Severus Snape"
soalnya tingkah lakunya bener2 kayak si Snape (harry potter)
banting pintu, abis tu ga ditutup lagi... trus sentimen ke bberapa murid... sama kae snape yang sentimen ke anak gryffindor. ahahaha
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:44 PM