It's Love-Heading to the Ground OST (sunny and Taeng)

It's Love
When I walked besides you
My heart keeps trembling the whole day through
Alone, thinking about you
Always keeping memories you marked
Even if we accidently meet each other
I will seemingly looking down
Even when you and I surprisingly meet
I'll only know to expose a shy little smile
Do you understand it now?
Do you see through my heart now?
The love that comes silently
Did you...Did you hear it now?
It was my love since the beginning
That warmly shines on my icy heart
The love that comes to me step by step
Although I'm a bit afraid...
The one that moved me, my love
Just like the rain, disrupted my heart
My heart is already in love
Missing you so...
Do you understand it now?
Do you see through my heart now?
The love that comes silently
Did you...Did you hear it now?
It was my love since the beginning
That warmly shines on my icy heart
The love that comes to me step by step
Although I'm a bit afraid...
The one that moved me, my love
Just like the rain, disrupted my heart
My heart is already in love
Missing you so...
This should be love...
When I walked besides you
My heart keeps trembling the whole day through
Alone, thinking about you
Always keeping memories you marked
Even if we accidently meet each other
I will seemingly looking down
Even when you and I surprisingly meet
I'll only know to expose a shy little smile
Do you understand it now?
Do you see through my heart now?
The love that comes silently
Did you...Did you hear it now?
It was my love since the beginning
That warmly shines on my icy heart
The love that comes to me step by step
Although I'm a bit afraid...
The one that moved me, my love
Just like the rain, disrupted my heart
My heart is already in love
Missing you so...
Do you understand it now?
Do you see through my heart now?
The love that comes silently
Did you...Did you hear it now?
It was my love since the beginning
That warmly shines on my icy heart
The love that comes to me step by step
Although I'm a bit afraid...
The one that moved me, my love
Just like the rain, disrupted my heart
My heart is already in love
Missing you so...
This should be love...
cr: FBIShowLover@Utube + snsdindo
aissh, dari kemarin kayakna demen banget ngepost translate-an lyrics2 bagus...
ini keren bangeet ><
gw banget deh lyric-na.. akh!!! cinta banget sama nih lagu...
ah udah lama ga ngomong soal escape(him)..hihihi...
aku sih udah tau namanya, aku message temenya, tanyain namanya..
dan kemarin itu...pas aku lg ngambil sepeda di tempat parkir, tuh sekumpulan anak SMA ktawa2 sambil liat ke aku... taunya temenya si escape tuh bilangin kalo aku nanya namanya,, matilah malu banget aku, malah abis tu triak2 lg ke temen.. aissh...
Btw, Heading to the Ground keren deh film-na... yunho keren banget actingna disitu ><
apalagi pas lg hilang ingatan.. profesional banget!
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:58 PM