Missing Him

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i love you, im waiting for you
Hari ini pulang sampe jam setengah 3... sampe ditegor 3 guru, ahaha
but, still can;t see him..
missing him.. in 2 weeks i don't see him..
i think that because the same problem with my Friend
the teacher whom angry to my friend is the teacher on high school too...
i think she is angry with them(the high school student who go home late after school) too..
waiting on the canteen, but when i go home, my friend said he out from school building
geeezz.. unluckkyyyy
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:40 PM