
Graduated! Yaaayyy~
I'm a high-schooler now. kkk... one step to escape from School.
I received the announcement on June 4th
err.. Doki doki on the start of the day, but when the headmistress said my name.
I felt like wanna... scream? lol. too much.
I got 100 on English. hoho.. 100.000 from my English Teacher. kkk..
My math got only 9.75, 1 mistake. tooo bad.
my Indonesian and Science are really dissapointing!
8.6 and 8.5. uhh.. i thought that i can do it well.
But i'm satisfied with the Rank, #6
and Thanking God...
Labels: school
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:01 AM