come back from RETRET

RETRET : Retreat // Religious school trip
i just came back from my school trip
4 days and 3 night
but i was feeling okay without computer and my mobile phone
i feel like i can change after came back.
but it's hard, ya know? :p
well, the proof : I'm already sat in front of my computer right now
boring, indeed. i like to be there than here.
let's start from the atmosphere
the place we stayed at is in Bandung, near the highlands.
so there are so cold, and the air still fresh. perfected with beautiful landscape.
and ya know why i can stay there without phone and internet?
I'm very happy because i have them, the friends.
we walked 8 km to the waterfall, and got there because of support each other
we cried together at the last night, remembered about our parents
we worked together in a drama, though in each group
jeez.. I want to stay there a little longer!!
Labels: friendship, school
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:16 PM