hmm... because of the movie : 2012
i want to write my opinion abt doomsday
as we know, no one is know when the doomsday is.
as i heard today at the cruch. only god who know when the day is, jesus, angel, and we all don't know. never dont know
so, why they are say if the doomsday on 21-12-2012?
then, better if we still don't know.
i think if we know, then we will more religious... pray, go to the cruch
but, it unless if we do it only because doomsday... the date is come, blah blah blaahh
we still will meet our crack of doom.... when we die.
all people will die, right?
but, we must prepared ourselves from now...
i read it on holly bible
doomsday will come....nobody can't stop it.
but they are must stop to...PREDICT it...
let the God do it all.. we just wait...wait the doomsday is come..
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:54 AM