
yay!~ be a Twilighter again :)
honestly, i don't really like Twilight at 1st...because i'm not serious when read the book
and sleepy when watched the
but, when i heard New Moon is almost out (20 November), i read the books again from Twilight and now Eclipse :p
and then.... i realized that the story is good...hmm..
can't Wait until 20 November... aissh...
yeah..2nd movie i like after Harry Potter
1. Harry Potter (of course)
2. Twilight saga
3. Death note
yay!~ Top Three~
uff... now, confuse how to watch the movie..
i planned with my friends, watch on November 22nd or 23rd
on 22nd, my friends is celebrate her birthday, but price for watch is... rp.35000
Labels: death note, harry poter, movie, twilight
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:28 PM