Mother's day

Yesterday is Mother's day
i can't give any thing to my mom...i regret it
my money is waste to bought Christmas gifts.
so, yesterday i gave my mom a letter, just a small paper
the paper said if #1 gift is on my bedroom's wall
and i stick the paper that my lines word and a PORTKEY
a small paper that pointed to #2 gift
the #2 gift is a mong the christmas gift under the christmas tree
(actually it's just a letter)
and My mom didn't find the portkey T___T
"I want to tell you, even though the sad times have already past
Close your eyes and feel"
Close your eyes and feel"
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person who put others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
I wont break my promise
to give you an English Letter
"everytime is a Gift
It's why we call it a Present"
#2 present is on the christmas tree
For some reason, today feels so difficult and exhausting
I hold my pillow closer as I sit alone in my room
I fidget with my phone as my heart
For some reason feels empty today
I hold my pillow closer as I sit alone in my room
I fidget with my phone as my heart
For some reason feels empty today
The suddenly ringing phone surprises me
I hear your voice, asking me if I ate today
Although at times, they annoyed me, today those words feel different
And all the forgotten promises I've made come flooding back to me
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person that puts others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
Although at times, I hurt you because of my wrong decisions
You quietly watched over me from afar
Although I'm still a young and clumsy child
I think I understand now
The meaning of your silent prayers
I will become a wise daughter
Give me courage
No matter where I go, I will be a daughter you can be proud of
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
With all the love that you have shown me
I will have a warm heart
I was too shy to express this to you clearly
Mom, I truly love you
well, the song is the one who i do yesterday
i was laying on my bed when my mom called me and ask me if i ate or not
I'm totally Happy. I'm happy because has a mother like her.
She's always know what i need
She's always give me a courage
She's always pray for me
She's always love me, no matter i do
I'm happy when she hug me
I'm happy when she kiss me
I'm happy when i walk with her
yes, she was the most precious person that i have
+SiLent Love+ @ 3:09 PM