long long time~

It has been a very looonggg time since my last update
it's near a start of the term again. I'm already 14th years old and will start my 3rd year of junior/middle high school. woohooo
maybe no one will visit my blog again --blogspot has already forgotten??--
but it's okay...i consider this blog as my own diary.. hmm... my real diary is also didn't update since January...
what to do now...
ah! my favorite now is turned to anime! haha... drastic..
but i'm always envy all the author that can make such a cute draw... I'm just can draw a little, it's so harrddd... it's why i likes anime :p
and i'll tell some about my favorite anime character
1. Tsubasa Chronicles
Fay d'Flowright
2. Vampire Knight
Senri Shiki
3. Gakuen Alice // Alice Academy
Andou Tsubasa and Hotaru Imai
actually i likes many character in this anime..
Hyuuga Natsume is cool.. and Misaki senpai is also cutee.. kyaa I love Gakuen Alice!!
5. Detective Conan
(Gee... It's my eternal favorite anime)
Shimizu Keiichi
8. K-On
Mio Akiyama
I think there is all of it.. I often read manga and watch anime, but after i got the other, i forgot the old one :p
right now, I'm very like Gakuen Alice and hope if Higuchi Tachibana quickly finish the manga, also, they are will translate it too... I want to know the ending
but the anime that i watch right now is : Shakugan no Shana and Kamichama Karin
I likes animes with cute character inside. oh. and I very thank my virtual friend because she suggested Alice Academy to me.. geez, it's a wonderful manga I ever seen... besides Conan :p
btw, i won't forget about this blog.. I will definitely update this blog...
maybe next time will be much long time than this...
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:00 PM