
Really in a BAD MOOD today
even the variety show didn't help at all *though, i laughed.kkk...*
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa really wanna scream or repeat the time
stupid stupid stupid meh
Tomorrow is the dateline for ordering School books
i even just know yesterday, and my mom seems didn't prepare the money yet so i can't buy it
i want to ask the senior if they have the books, but i'm afraid if the books are different, so i want to ask my friend about the writer but i don't know anyone there T___T
and anyway, i didn't know any seniors.. huhu... i'm regretting the past when i became so loner
What should i do now? i can't stop thinking about it, hope it all end happily ever after.
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:46 PM