15th Birthday

okay, so it's past my birthday again. I'm fifteen now ♥
Celebrated my birthday @ 25th with a small cake, and with my dearest friends..
then @26, with my family, with...3 cakes? ugh..r eally, i'm still sick of cake.
especially CHOCOLATE one, since i ate the Opera yesterday and the chocolate make me...uggh..sick?
ah, and by the way, my birthday cake is kinda like

it's delicious that i ate it this morning. yesterday i ate it and feel like wanna puke
hahhaa,., obvious actually. since yesterday, I didn't ate any rice. just CAKE, cake, and C A K E!!!
but i love this years birthday, and the presents
especially the one Tina gave me
Mix-style headphone. i said i want it @ June 23th and she gave me right away @ 25th uh love her ♥
this one! but the white, with black skull. aaah i love skull ♥
Labels: food, friendship, love
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:45 PM