Pride on the Line

Lately, i've been thinking abt my life goal.
kekekek. and lately, i've been posting abt this kind of thing. whatever...
It's all because my grandma keep compared and my sist) to our cousin.
okay. what does she have? school of Nursery? great. one step nearer to Doctor right?
But i think i'm more capable than her, just my mom won't showing me off...
my exam test results are better than her, at least my Math and English
and this is my only proud subject : English
I wish i could majoring in something about English. Sastra Inggris maybe. tehee...
but i want LAW too..
and bcs of my cousin thingy. i'm eager to set my goal more than her.
what is it? Sastra Inggris is good, but still under her standard.. and i'm still unsure about this.
I just doesn't want to be compared to ANYONE. i want them to know what am I capable of.
This is my pride and i want to prove my existence. just see when i graduated from High School.
3 years from now..
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:06 AM