I've been so busy on the first week after i joined high school
it's MOS or preparation for the new students before really join the school.
and it's annoying and just wasting time actually, though i have a bit of good time, but the bad times are 10x than it.
the first 2 days were like hell, it's tiring and full of tasks.
i slept for 3 hours on the first day, and 4 hours on the second day
and on the third day, i ended up half-sleeping when i was working on my english (INTI) test. hope i can get a good mark. huh.
and the final day. it's the most HELL! H I K I N G!!!
It's really tiring and i out of breath for many many time.
and hiking in the middle of the rain? puh bad idea, good things that i didn't get sick that easy.
and my legs are so sore after that hiking. until NOW! i'm still can't walk properly. it's hurt like hell everytime i crouched or run or even just walking slowly.
I hate MOS. i hope that program will be deleted so no one will suffering before the real high school days like us did T__T
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:28 AM