Sore Throat

uuh... this is really a bad day
i woke up at 9 AM and my throat was really hurt.. it's getting worse and worse until i can't even drink my saliva, and it's really painful to say something.
i thought that i won't easily got sick, but it's already the second times this year, i hope it's not influenza. i don't wannaaaa T___T
btw, my computer broke again, it won't turn on and it's really boring to be in the home all days without computer. so, i used laptop sometimes, when my sis went out. it's really slooow... luckily, i got more patience than i used to have
and the last farewell trip is really FUN!
the atmosphere is kinda like the 'retreat', but it's just 2 days and more free..we play almost all the time. and stayed up at night to play Old maid
and maybe i got sick because of that. hyuu... hope i get better tomorrow
Labels: friendship, holiday, school, sick
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:57 PM

Long Time no See!!!!
Hello there!
It's a long long time since my last update
(i know that no one reading this, but it's okay!)
well, I'm kinda busy with my National Exams.
and i think i did my best on some subjects, but NO NO with Science..
I hope i get better marks.. and of course, i want to PASS!!
It's really a Doki Doki holiday
It's all the fault of the ministries!
The time range is toooooo long.. it's from April 28th until June 4th!
I will go crazy because of this doki doki feeling. gaaaaaaahhh!!!
I need entertaiment.. Amusement park, hang out or whateverrr~
Luckily! the Farewell trip is on a few days from now. yaaay, at least i can meet my friends again. i hope the trip go well <3
Labels: friendship, holiday, school
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:49 PM