So, it's the start of my high school days and things have been very complicated =___="
I expected a calm and happy high school day, where there is no worry or something troublesome
but I GOT IT now.
I and my sister forced to move to my grandma's house and it's very far from my current High school...around 30-45 mins? uuh.. it's really troublesome right? i used to wake up 30 mins before the school start. who would expect something like this? +_+
I just hope that it won't get to troublesome and i can adapt to it soon. i just doesn't want to be a burden..
andddd. welcome me to the REAL high school days ^__^
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:38 PM

I've been so busy on the first week after i joined high school
it's MOS or preparation for the new students before really join the school.
and it's annoying and just wasting time actually, though i have a bit of good time, but the bad times are 10x than it.
the first 2 days were like hell, it's tiring and full of tasks.
i slept for 3 hours on the first day, and 4 hours on the second day
and on the third day, i ended up half-sleeping when i was working on my english (INTI) test. hope i can get a good mark. huh.
and the final day. it's the most HELL! H I K I N G!!!
It's really tiring and i out of breath for many many time.
and hiking in the middle of the rain? puh bad idea, good things that i didn't get sick that easy.
and my legs are so sore after that hiking. until NOW! i'm still can't walk properly. it's hurt like hell everytime i crouched or run or even just walking slowly.
I hate MOS. i hope that program will be deleted so no one will suffering before the real high school days like us did T__T
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:28 AM

Pride on the Line
Lately, i've been thinking abt my life goal.
kekekek. and lately, i've been posting abt this kind of thing. whatever...
It's all because my grandma keep compared me..us(me and my sist) to our cousin.
okay. what does she have? school of Nursery? great. one step nearer to Doctor right?
But i think i'm more capable than her, just my mom won't showing me off...
my exam test results are better than her, at least my Math and English
and this is my only proud subject : English
I wish i could majoring in something about English. Sastra Inggris maybe. tehee...
but i want LAW too..
and bcs of my cousin thingy. i'm eager to set my goal more than her.
what is it? Sastra Inggris is good, but still under her standard.. and i'm still unsure about this.
I just doesn't want to be compared to ANYONE. i want them to know what am I capable of.
This is my pride and i want to prove my existence. just see when i graduated from High School.
3 years from now..
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:06 AM

I'm scared..really.
The time goes so fast that i didn't even realized
in a week, the holiday will end and i will be a Senior HS student.
what should i do? i'm nervous..
and there's still many many unsolved problem, i haven't get my school report and certificate.
and.. as i review the HS books, it's hard, the lesson T__T
i don't think i can overcome this, but i'll try hard. I'll try hard to be a smarty. even i have to be a nerd.
and shall i leave the internet world?
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:43 AM