Holliday is End

Tomorrow we go back to school...
huft, jadi males yah
selama liburan jalan2 terus sih, jadinya ga biasa kalo balik ke sekolah lagi xD
and last day, go to the beach

made many picture there :p
narsist, but im happyy<33
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:14 AM

Hates, Likes, and member of
Don't talk abt Him again xD
i'll post some of mine :p
___________________Likes ♥♥♥
♥cute boys
♥write a story
♥reading (comics, novels, magazine, etc)
♥my friends
___________________Hates Ï
Ïsomeone who I mostly hates xD
Ïbad mood people
Ïslow connection
Ïhot temperature
Ïfussy person
___________________Member of Ù
Ù 5KY (ex)
Ù Sone
Ùpanda lovers 7B
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:16 AM

whoa.. so hard to change into this layout :p
and i made many think before changed..
because no layout is match with my feeling now
but im too lazy to make my own layout...
Holiday is came...
huaaahh.. HATE this holiday so much!!!
kenapa harus liburan di saat2 begini...hikss
since yesterday i search more and more clue abt him.. but i didn't find it
sos stupid...
my life is MINE, i am MINE... not HIS
so why i think so much abt hiimmmm><
am i in L O V E ??
damn... silent love... just like this blog name xD
Labels: him, holiday, new skin
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:16 AM

English Teacher
It's my 1st time get 6 for my english test!!
6.5 dan KKM-nya 67
damn =____="
usually my test always gets 8+
but when my teacher is change... my highest score is 8.7!
what the hell????!!!!
almost all of grade 8 hate him!
gara2 ngajarnya ga bener tuh.
disindir dikit di FB aja langsung marah2 ahaha...
ngomong di blog gapapa kali yah secara ini punyaku...
tp lucu juga sih kalo sampe dipanggil ke ruang guru sama ruang BP lagi kae temenku..
stupid english teacher!
uughhh... dissapointed!!! mr rickets babo!!!
wah blog-na ga di private masih brani ngomong gini ahjaha lol..
i dont care e e e e e~
Labels: school
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:29 PM

gara2 tadi ngikutin orang buat cari tahu rumahnya...
akhirnya jadi bikin suatu group...
ato ga
Agen Rahasia Escape
Secret Agent Escape
jadi kita nyelidikin tentang anak2 high school yang cakep gt... escape.. pemandangan xDD
susah loh...
td aja pas aku n temenku ikutin.. panas2an, muter2..
taunya malah naik ojek =____=""
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:45 PM

pay attention for someone without know who is he...
do you know what i feel now?
although i don't want to do it, but i can't
because i haven't had this feeling before...
so i don't know how to erase it.. GEzzz
i see him more and i likes him more...
huaaah ><
when i don't want to see him again, and he walked past me.
huh.. is it mean i don't allowed to hate him? LOLs
No matter who is he, i love him...
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:59 PM

Missing Him
I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i love you, im waiting for you
Hari ini pulang sampe jam setengah 3... sampe ditegor 3 guru, ahaha
but, still can;t see him..
missing him.. in 2 weeks i don't see him..
i think that because the same problem with my Friend
the teacher whom angry to my friend is the teacher on high school too...
i think she is angry with them(the high school student who go home late after school) too..
waiting on the canteen, but when i go home, my friend said he out from school building
geeezz.. unluckkyyyy
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:40 PM

officaly move to SuJu.
ah=____=" idk why the cute picts of minhwan didn't affect to me.
and then..the karma is come to me..
kyaaa.. i don;t want to like sungmin T.T but now his face always in my mind
aigoo... i want wookie.. T.T
ah! f(x) is debuted!~
they are very cool
special debut.. ahaha
Labels: f(x), minhwan, sungmin, Super junior, wookie
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:09 PM