15th Birthday

okay, so it's past my birthday again. I'm fifteen now ♥
Celebrated my birthday @ 25th with a small cake, and with my dearest friends..
then @26, with my family, with...3 cakes? ugh..r eally, i'm still sick of cake.
especially CHOCOLATE one, since i ate the Opera yesterday and the chocolate make me...uggh..sick?
ah, and by the way, my birthday cake is kinda like

it's delicious that i ate it this morning. yesterday i ate it and feel like wanna puke
hahhaa,., obvious actually. since yesterday, I didn't ate any rice. just CAKE, cake, and C A K E!!!
but i love this years birthday, and the presents
especially the one Tina gave me
Mix-style headphone. i said i want it @ June 23th and she gave me right away @ 25th uh love her ♥
this one! but the white, with black skull. aaah i love skull ♥
Labels: food, friendship, love
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:45 PM

Really in a BAD MOOD today
even the variety show didn't help at all *though, i laughed.kkk...*
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa really wanna scream or repeat the time
stupid stupid stupid meh
Tomorrow is the dateline for ordering School books
i even just know yesterday, and my mom seems didn't prepare the money yet so i can't buy it
i want to ask the senior if they have the books, but i'm afraid if the books are different, so i want to ask my friend about the writer but i don't know anyone there T___T
and anyway, i didn't know any seniors.. huhu... i'm regretting the past when i became so loner
What should i do now? i can't stop thinking about it, hope it all end happily ever after.
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:46 PM

Variety Show
humm.. so lately i've been interested in some Variety show. especially the ones with FT Island
I'm almost done watching 'Oh My School' (which is the reason why i always sleep late at nigth or even dawn)
but my waiting list is getting longer and longer
now, I'm downloading MakBanShi (Idol Maknae Rebellion) *ahh,, Seunghyunnie>__<*
but while downloading it, i can't stop twitting or tumblring or blogging. so i found the other ones *sigh*
so my waiting list :
- MBC Idol Sport
- FT Island Idol Army
- MBLAQ idol army ->I'm not really an A+, i'm just enjoy watching it with my sis
- Haengul Island->this have been in my list since long long ago, i just can't get the eng subbed one. evil Youtube.grrr
i think that's all...
arrr... i guess i can't watch some episodes today IF ONLY my internet perform faster than this : 30kb/sekon... uuuhh.. I'm dying of waiting
okaay.. wish me luck :p
Labels: badmood, FT island, seunghyun, twitter, variety
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:19 PM

Feeling not well
uuh.. i still have my flu.
well, i know that this will take a much time to end, but i'm... so pissed off, grr.. i hate flu
and yesterday night, i felt like my sight has blured.. it's hard to read.
maybe it's because lack of sleep? dunno... i slept 6 hours in the morning and continued 2 hours in the afternoon.
i think it's a bit too much for my body, since this holiday started, i slept at.. 3AM-4AM. then wake up at 9-10AM. heh. but i do sleep at 4-6 PM if i have time..
but still, i'm feeeling a bit unwell now.. i hope this sickness gone. tehhee...
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:24 AM

★ Schedule
hehe... i think i always wanted to make a schedule for my activities in computer.
here is it :
[current : June 13th]
1. Idol Maknae Rebellion [1/2 episode]
2. Darker than black anime [1 episode]
3. make a sing a long [1]
4. Twitter [all the time]
5. Blog entry
6. Silh0uette
7. Photoshopping [unrequired]
8. Streaming@youtube
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:58 AM

★ P R O F I L E
★ B A S I C S
★ Name : Angela Christella
★ Nick : Angel
★ D.O.B : June 25, 1996
★ Hobbies : Reading, Listening to the Musics, Internet, Watching, Writing
★ Speciality : err.. fast typing? fast talking? uuh..memorizing lyrics? haha...
★ Personality : Loner
★ F A V O R I T E ★
★ Bias : FT Island's Choi Min Hwan (currently)
★ Band/Idol : FT Island, Wonbin, CN Blue, B2ST, Girls Generation
★ Songs : FT Island's songs, Wonbin's songs, CNblue's songs, songs on top 10 chart (mostly)
★ Anime : Shugo Chara
★ Manga : Pandora Hearts
★ Food : Fried Rice
★ Drink : Milk
★ Dessert : Cheesecake
★ Color : Pink (eternally, kkk..), Black, White
★ TV Show : Master Chef? :p, Hangeul Island
★ Time : Late at night
★ Pet : Puppy, Hamster
★ M O S T H A T E D ★
★ Food : anything contains carrots, corn
★ Drink : anything bitter, contains medicine
★ Beverage : anything contains veggie
★ Time : Morning
★Color : Green, Yellow? (sorry, prims)
★ B E S T ★
★ Wish : DRUM!!!!
★ Friends : everyone who has supported me until now
★ Thing : My Cellphone, Diary
★ Achievement : Grade 9
★ C O N T A C T ★
★ Twitter : http://twitter.com/Angelhyuu
★ Facebook : http://facebook.com/angelhyuu
★ Tumblr : http://milulove.tumblr.com/
★ Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/KIRAhoLic?
★ Cellphone : 085716313*** (ask meehh)
★ Email : Angelhyuu@gmail.com
★ Tinierme : Saltysugar
Labels: about me
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:41 AM

Holiday sucks
I can't wait to start the High School days...
(though, after a few days, i will wanting to get a long holiday, kkk...)
it's still... one month and..6 days? whoa.. really long awaited..
so, i don't want the awaited days will be...boring? evil? super-sucks? yeah, i just want a very funnn High School days *selfishindeedkkk..*
just one thing i'm still wondering about : will i get new friends at the new high school?
err.. I'm a loner, ya know? that's why i'm still using this blog although no one will read it.
just for my own fun. hahahaha
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:03 AM

FT Island - Treasure [sing a long]
this is the promise i made at FT Island 4th Anniversary
i uploaded it to youtube only.. and it's got copyright claim :p so it's not worldwide
uhuhu.. i hate copyright. but i'm glad just to make this sing a long
Labels: FT island, lyrics, music, video
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:52 PM

uuh.. i can't breath normally and sneezing... of course it's flu..
looks like i can't escape from the illness.. i just cured from my sore throat and i got flu.
huuaaaa... i feel uncomfortable this way. i hope the flu go away right now
though i know that this is a long-lasted flu. the one that could bear until 3-4 weeks...
err.. i got a flu like this around 3/4 month ago. around my Exams time.
i hope it would stop with only flu. i don't want to get coughed all the times...
GWS, myself :(
Labels: badmood, holiday, sick
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:49 PM

Graduated! Yaaayyy~
I'm a high-schooler now. kkk... one step to escape from School.
I received the announcement on June 4th
err.. Doki doki on the start of the day, but when the headmistress said my name.
I felt like wanna... scream? lol. too much.
I got 100 on English. hoho.. 100.000 from my English Teacher. kkk..
My math got only 9.75, 1 mistake. tooo bad.
my Indonesian and Science are really dissapointing!
8.6 and 8.5. uhh.. i thought that i can do it well.
But i'm satisfied with the Rank, #6
and Thanking God...
Labels: school
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:01 AM

FT Island - TreasureThat day I cried proudlySafeguarding that sparkling lightWhether in the heat of the day or at sunset,even if my feet are rubbed rawI will keep walking on,and show you my determinationTens of times, even hundredsif you fall, just keep getting back upAlthough is just a tiny step,the future has come even closerI can do flatteryAlthough there are setbacks and things that upset meThe people who live under the dim moonlightThe oaths that they have made are simply lies in their own heartsCHORUS:Close your eyes and look clearly at your heartPush open that heavy doorStanding here, go forth and take your first step for todayBelieve in thisPART II:The seasons in the past have always been about frantic searchingAlthough always in some form of competition there has never been purposeThose faded promises which can be put down have always been at the bottom of our heartsOur shared moments are in the futureThe dancing and dissipating sadnessWe still cling onto shattered dreamsSimply keep moving forward and you'll see, we are nearly thereThe road ahead will have blooms that we have never seen beforeCHORUS:That will give the night sky colorThe dream we have been looking forward to, has finally been realisedShining brightly, take your first step into tomorrowBelieve in thatClose your eyes and look clearly at your heartPush open that heavy doorStanding here, go forth and take your first step for todayBelieve in thisThat day I cried proudlySafeguarding that sparkling lightThese are my precious TREASUREcredit : JPOPasiaI really like this song lately.. The meaning is goodand moreover, all of them get part on this song.I love minhwan's voice. and together's voice at the very end <3
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:08 PM

FT Island attack
Wohoo.. the third time come back as primadonna and it's 4th years Anniversary of FT Island! chukae~
I stayed up last night and tweeting 'FTI4ever' for trend it at TT, but it's just reached number 6 and suddenly gone. we tried to bring it up again and it's not up till now...
Emm.. i think before the school start, i will return to be an addicted K-POP lover again. like before, around 2-3 years ago..
and my birthday is coming up. i need to save some money and bear myself to not hanging out with my friends before that.. kkk...
Labels: FT island, holiday, school, twitter
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:02 PM

Yay! I got my Computer back!
now, i will work hard to update this blog (though i know no one will read it, tehee)
once again, i fell in love with FT ISLAND!
Hello Hello is a good song

and now, i downloaded all their albums for the start
hhehe.. i deleted almost all of them back then.
but, my hard disc is updated to 500GB! so i can save some songs and videos, yadda!
Labels: FT island, music, picture
+SiLent Love+ @ 6:47 PM