My B'day

Aigoo... i'm 13 y/o girl now..
i'm very happy on my 'B'day party' yesterday
my mom gave me a big cake, and one pack of chocolate
very touched >//<
but, this holiday is very... bored? my best friend is gone to her born city
I want to treat my friend, but... Am i stingy? haha
i'll wait my best friend go home~
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:49 PM

Laugh and cry
Last night i watched the movie
2 pounds beautiful -i think it's the title-
and i'v cried =___=" my sister is laughing.
aiish, very embarassed
and, this morning, i watch the TV show
FT island m-net ranking... huff.. they are always make me laugh
oh ya, tomorrow, snsd's mini album is out!
its mean, tomorrow, i must wake up early to download those song
Labels: FT island, movie, note, SNSD, youtube
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:34 AM

Again and Again
I've met 4 PEOPLE who said Me like a child
and today, she said it because i made a bad comment to her note in FB.
She said : "9ila. . . . . .
s'cinta" we ama korea k9a s9itu'a. .
seen99a'a law loe" mank pda suka all about korea. . . . . law adha kya 9ni dkun9 lah ne9ara loe sndri. . . . .
sumpah. . . . . we kcian betz ama indo. . . .
pnya wr9a ne9ara y6 k9a pnya RASA NASIONALISME. . .
y6 k9a tw 9mn balas budi. . . . . .
law we bln9 ceh. . rank" kya 9ni neh y6 memalukan indo..
*mian law adha y6 trsin96un9*
Biz we dah k9a than. . . . . "
cause I support Korea and China, I made a bad comment
and She has reply : "oh yah. . . . .
nax kcil tw apha ceh. . . .
"dah duech. . . malez we rbut ama nax kcil. . . . s'umurn lu mah pln9 cma ikut". . "
I thought She is the REAL child =___="
She's born in 1994, but she... aissshh.. very hate her.
Snsd-Genie is so cute song!!!
i've heard the song 7x in my playlist.
the song not make me bored.
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:03 AM

New Skin [again]
i'm edit my blog again.. full of code and make me a little confused @__@
but, i likes my new skin <3
Today, snsd-indo celebrated 1st anniversary, so cool! the items in shop is discount 50%!
very kind? hha...
and i'll count the day until my age increase
3 days again? hiks... my
oh ya, last night, i colored my nails with black nail polish..
look likes hongki's? hha... but i add the blink on it...
because the black nail polish is very... strange? hha
Labels: new skin, note, snsd-indo
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:24 AM

Sick =___="
My throat is hurt.
my stomatch is hurt too
what the matter with me? >///<
snsdindo will celebrate the 1st anniversary.
22 June 2009!
and they want to go dufan.
hiks... it mean i can't go..
pasti ga dapet ijin xD
Btw, New MV teaser is out!!
Labels: note, sick, SNSD, snsd-indo
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:08 AM

MoonLight AngeL
Now, I likes the song
Moonlight AngeL
Im not yet get the lyrics translation, but i think the translation was good...
Btw, i want to show my desktop and favorite forums.
may i post the picts too? huahah..
and the last one is my desktop

+SiLent Love+ @ 9:17 AM

I Can't Wait
Ouuh... I can't Wait for the day!
25 June!
New mini-album of girls generation is out
and, 25 june is my birthday
aissh.. Gift from them for me? lol
I hope i can request the mini-album for the gift.
btw, my holiday is very boring!
I only Play computer, eating, sleeping, write a fanfics.
uaaahh.. When the Holiday endd???
13 Juli? oouww...
I will be an 13 y/o girl in the time.. am I look old? hha~
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:25 AM

Boy/Girl Band Who I EVEN Like
Boy Bands

1. Dong Bang Shin Ki
1st time I likes Boyband... They are introducing me to the K-pop world
my favorite member is Hero Jae Joong <3
2. Super Junior
-i don't have any pics of them.. lol-
They are really Hard-to-Forget..
I likes them in...10 month i think.
Favorite member : Kim Ryeo Wook

3. FT Island
I've hating them because heard the bad rumors about them
but, whe i Seen the pictures of them, I started to Likes them.
oh! im even forget them once!
but, when Song Seung Hyun come, I love them again,
Am I weird? hhaha
Favorite Members : Song Seung Hyun, Lee Hong Ki

4. Fahrenheit
This boy band made me Forget FTIsland. =___="
I likes this bb because i watched The x Family.. ouh.. Im too easy to likes
Favorite Member : Aaron Yan

5. Lollipop
I don't know how i can likes this boy band
They are not my type xD
and, this band really easy-to-forget
Favorite member : Wang Zi Prince

6. SS501
I likes this bb 'cause, when I watched BBF, Im very likes JiHoo
and I try to find the song of them =___=""
Favorite Member : Kim Hyun Joong
Girl Bands

1. Girls Generation
1st time I likes them, because I See they have many antifans..
But, when i see them, I likes them...
Favorite member : Choi Soo Young, Kim Tae Yeon

I likes Cute GB like them
The dance is Easy and the song is cute!
Favorite Member : Koo Ha Ra

3.Hey Girl
They said this Girl band is Chinese Version of Girls Generation
I likes Them because I likes lollipop...hha
Favorite Member : Gui Gui and Ya Tou
I think i have wrote all..
Yeah~ i've done! lol
Labels: Boy bands, DBSK, Fahrenheit, FT island, Girl Bands, KARA, note, SNSD, SS501, Super junior
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:34 AM

I'm here..
the first day of my holiday
but, i not yet know when i must go with my friends
they said, "if you plan it, it won't happen"
Can I trust?
i'm very confused @.@
my summer holiday is 1 month..
it's very long, but i'm happy about it^^
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:08 AM