So bright

What the meaning of the title?? xDD
i want to sing GEE!!!
You're so so handsome
My eyes my eyes are blinded
I can't breathe because I'm trembling
Oh I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love
So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
Do I not have any courage?
What would be the right thing to do?
Thump thump my heart is anxious as I'm looking at you
cr :
aaaa!! it's really true!! i love Geee!!!!
it's my feeling now if i meets him, or thinking about him
and after school today, he is say "sorry" to me because he is blocked my road to get his friend.
and my heart really anxious... thump thump thump thump
kyaaa!! other himm~~
but i don't know his name. and he is SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL student.
+SiLent Love+ @ 3:13 PM

Other Boy
aa!! am i falling in love again?? hahah.. so weird ><
i see him after school in this week.
he is tall, cute, has a white skin, and the face a little similiar with wookie..
and i like to look at him from 2 table after his table... in canteen xD
he usually plays a card, eats, or plays ball with his friends.
oh. i don't like my conseling teacher!
she told us to brings a Holly Bible every Monday and Wednesday, when Religious lesson
but she NEVER told us to use it! and the holly bible is very heavy.. ugh ><
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:19 PM

Yesterday i drank and ate the funny food
not really. but i think is funny. haha
Strawberry blend and chewy junior.. yummy~
Funny side of Strawberry blend is... at the glass
the glass is like a ball..
and the bread, the bread is chew xD
i like the bread but im only bought 6 =___="
and my brain connection is very very... slow?
my grammar is wrong and wrong, im forgot the vocab
and i'm sleeeeepy ><
maybe its because im cried last hour because read a book.
hihihi.. 3 times i read it, but i'm still crying xD
auntumn in paris is very cool!
Christalicious *still promote xD*
+SiLent Love+ @ 3:31 PM

i don't really know how to join #indonesiaunite in Facebook
only join the group?
in my twitter picture is added a mini flag
so funny xD
oh yea.. im confused with this pict
what the xD *lihat panah*
what is it??

His tatto is so coooll~
permanent? i don't think so.. ahhaha
Labels: facebook, FT island, note, twitter
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:46 PM

Blog news?
i made a blog for news
but i confused to fill that blog.
with ft island, soshi's news? where i get it? T.T
a funny name.. haha
i have heard songs in 3rd album until more than 10 times
but i can't sing the songs yet. hha
only Hope and Although it's not a must
love the song!! 'although it's not a must'
Would you remember me when you meet someone like me?
would you remember me when you hear the song that we used to listen to?
woul you remember me when you meet someone with same name as me?
although it's not a must, but please remember me at least just once
i love that part! <3
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:04 PM

Yeah~ at least i can made a ringtone in auda <3 i made many cuts from 'hope'..
Love that song
Hope (8 cut)
although it's not a must (4 cut)
btw, im forgot some id in some forum and website ouh... i used many username.. like this : ~Ftiindo - CaRameL_JeJin *gee. wrong in jaejin's name.rofl*
~SNSD-indo;MSN - angeluvwookie
~Yaoi-indo, Diadem5, sparklingt-ara - *AngeL *i won't miss this username cause is my name* ~Seunghyunfied - KIRAhoLic *im join the forum when i addicted to death note. KIRAhoLic *
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:48 PM

almost all is new
my desktop pict, my blog layout, my blog playlist, etc.
Seunghyun's hair, hongki's hair, hun's hair, hwan's hair, and jaejin's hair is changed too
aaaa~ i love seunghyun's new hairstyle
talk about hairstyle... i miss my long hair
although i like my hair now... hha
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:49 PM

Waste a time
agh... i cut a song in auda, but the result when i export is the FULL SONG
What am i doing since one hour ago?!
only cutting!!!! and the result is... dissapointed T.T
really want to make a ringtone from 'HOPE'
but.. i'm too lazy to waiting the audia upload.. in P***mba...and my internet connection is SLow...
oh, i have Math homework and i haven't done it.
because the HW is very hard and so much..
more than 100 i think.
How to do it in 1 hour????????
Labels: badmood, homework, note
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:50 AM

Welcome to Cross and Change xD
new skin specially made for celebrate the 'Cross and Change' album
i'm very like this album, so i made xD
and i made the icons only Seunghyun and Minhwan =___="
ouw.. sorry >< but i most like them specially in this album!
and then... this is Pinky Cross and Change skin!! :p
ouh.. i should find the brown skin. but it's ok :D
time to spread happiness~~
Bing bing bing~
Labels: FT island, minhwan, new skin, note, seunghyun
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:52 PM

Long time no update
*3 days is long? lol*
mixing audio is VERY HARD!!!!!!
i don't want to mix again next time, but now i MUST do it.
fighting and Jia You to Angel xD
oh! FT island's Comeback is VERY COOL!!!!!
aigoo.. HOPE
Seunghyun is... AMAZING xD
Minhwan is.. COOL... aaaaa!! i like him Now ><
oh.. someday before until now pikiran gw always fill with "HIM"
My friend is still talking 'bout him
'cause my friend has one class with him
and My other Friend is 'His' Girlfriend.
AAGH... Frustated now xD
+SiLent Love+ @ 5:57 PM

New class
adaptation with my new class.
My friends in class now is friendly and like to laughing.
slowly, i started to like this class and i DONT WANT to move
but i still want to have one class with 'him'
when i talking with my friends, i see he Run so fast, ouh, i think his father is waiting or what.
but, ..... *i sure u don't want to*
uuh... He is a weird person. but...
why must i want to close with him, besides he doesn't want to talk or chat with me =___="
and next month i'll very busy
i got my first job<3
so this month i want to do ALL of forum's job.
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:00 PM

Class in school
Very hate them!! the teacher in my school
why are they give me 'C' class??
it's very BAD!!! my friend is still in A n B class
and Me?? want to cry now
'he' doesn't one class with me
i don't get any chance to contact with 'him' again.
i want to move!! give me one chance ><
Still want to one class with him and my friend, and still hate theem!!!!!!!!!
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:16 AM

FT island's Vol 3
it's very..... *lol, susah diungkapkan*
pokoknya itu keren bangeeetttt, ga sabaran deh nunggu albumnya keluar
ato minimal mv-nya lahh... gila..><
minhwan sama seunghyun keren banget di sini, apalagi pas minhwan wink itu
and, i have made the siggy too from the cover
i made it so fast, so the result is... bad, but not

+SiLent Love+ @ 4:51 PM

So angry today
i found the topic in a forum
the title of the topic is same with mine
so, I open it, and i foun my photoshop result there!!!
i shared it at snsd-indo and fti-indo
and she take out from snsd-indo
all the text is same with mine ><
i've pm her...
Labels: badmood, ftindo, note, snsd-indo
+SiLent Love+ @ 10:17 AM

SMs 'gajeh' with Talitha
Yesterday i made the funny converstation with my Friend, Talitha
Yeah~ we made the "fanficts"
but, it's very... gajeh and spontan
the story :
i want to kill hongki because he angry or the other word : melirik sadis to seunghyun.
Talitha try to guard him
and then, She go with hun, and hongki watch Genie with Minhwan, jaejin, and me
but, Wonbin is come and jealous with Jonghun.
Hongki too... He is jealous with Talitha xD
So, hongki throw a pillow to hun and go...
hun still make wonbin angry because Talitha has 2 names : Seui, Saehee
Hongki know her with seu i name, wonbin know her with Saehee name.
so funny..they are same jealous
and the story of me, talitha shout : "angel is Haeri and Hyunri too!!"
yeah~~ Hongki and jaejin know me with hyunri, seunghyun know me with Haeri.
i try to lie again.
"wutt?? who is hyunri and haeri? my name is HAN CHAE RIN" and i go with minhwan
so funny...
very weird Story!!!
i made it with talitha until 2am
and i slept at 3 am
ouh... very sleepy =___=
Labels: fanfict, FT island, note, talitha
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:24 PM

Panda's eye
Long time no update xD
last night, i slept so late. and i have panda's eyes now
How to clean it?
very sleepy -____-
im finally can follow the 'GEE' dance
it's very fun to learnt
and next, i want to learn 'GENIE' dance.
im very love soshi's dance.. n song also<3
btw, watching 'the road home' everyday maked me slowly likes Minan.
ouh.. so fast to changed xD
oh yeah~~ i changed my blog's skin agaiin... haha...
Labels: gee, new skin, note, SNSD
+SiLent Love+ @ 1:22 PM