
ah tidak!!!
mulai bosan sama FTi... ntah kenapa tiba-tiba bosan menyerang
itu sih udah biasa dari dulu..
jadi kalo suka ma boyband laen ga bisa suka sama yang lama..
tp masih bisa CLBK..
masalahnya aku takut temen2 primadonna pada musuhin aku kalo aku ga jadi primadonna lagi...
trus kalo cari temen ELF lagi udah trauma..
abisnya pernah punya masalah sama bbrapa ELF
tp syukur sih aku udah tau apa yang tuh orang pikirin ke aku... tp dia ga tau apa yang aku pikir tentang dia...
Thanks to someone because she told me that
aku takut bisa bikin masalah lagi... udah banyak masalah yang aku bikin selama jadi ELF.
tapi aku cinta WOOKIE... LOLs...
Eternal magnae love Innocent Magnae
Labels: note
+SiLent Love+ @ 12:18 PM

Rarely update this blog...
im very busy now..
busy to play with my friend.lol
huuuuh... today the teacher angry to my friend and gave her a punishment.
it's why i can't play at canteen again after school T.T
i want to see that face agaiinn... if im often to eat at canteen, how is i can't eat there agaiin?
when when when when???
ah.. i made a nickname for my teacher... "mrs. Severus Snape"
soalnya tingkah lakunya bener2 kayak si Snape (harry potter)
banting pintu, abis tu ga ditutup lagi... trus sentimen ke bberapa murid... sama kae snape yang sentimen ke anak gryffindor. ahahaha
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:44 PM

agh.. hating to read an english poem =____="
so hard to read it well
this is the poem :
Fast Rode of the knight
With prups, hot, and reeking
ever waving an eager sword
"to save my lady"
Fast Rode of the knight
and leaped from saddel to war
Men of stell flickered and gleamed
like riot of silver light
and the gold on the knight's good banner
still waved on a castle wall
A horse
blowing, staggering, bloody thing
forgotten at foot of castle wall
A horse
dead at foot of castle wall
still forgot some part T.T
i can't wait for tomorrow!!
Seunghyun's birthday<3
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:19 PM

Today is a bad day
he is leave me.. us, and leaving this world
idk when he leave, but he is left
hope he get happy on heaven and leave all of his sick
sad, but im happy if he not sick again now..

Please be happy because you don't fell hurt again
we still remember you. now and forever
aduh.. farewell party sama guguk.. hiks.. sedih lepasinya...
Labels: badmood
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:41 AM

aissh... Sick in the middle of school
my head and stomach its hurt and always have a cough.
today, im absent from the school
besides, today i have many test and one presentation
why must i sick??
i don't have a concentration to make a grapichs T.T
+SiLent Love+ @ 9:20 AM

Hungry T.T
uggh..hungry. but im too lazy to eat.
today, i woke up at 6.05 AM. only have 25 minute to go to school
lucky, i don't come late to school
but i don't have to eat or drink anything
and in the school i drank 2 bottle of soda (nekad.tapi ga sakit perut ya sekarang. haha)
2 of my best friend are badmood today
i don't like to have a conversation with person in badmood
but i must do it if i don't want to be bore
padahal hampir setiap hari mereka badmood.
tired to see they with those face ><
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:15 PM

A song For you
Still confused with the project a Song For You
want to join. but, im still can't found the good word to send to him. haha

i drew a chibi seunghyun. but too lazy to scan it xD
btw, now i am more enjoy stay on international forums.
and i still learning to fluent in english
so i reading Twilight english version. haha.
Labels: note, seunghyun, seunghyunfied
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:51 PM

New Month : New Skin
actually i changed my blog's skin because many forum changed them skin too..
like : FTIsland-indo, Seunghyunfied, Silh0uette and two again coming soon.
Seunghyunfied and Silh0uette changed thm board! ipbfree~ so cool!!
and.. i have told about someone who steal my psd pict?
she is join SHF, and fill the 'staff application'
on "experience before" she is write "soshified, Soshi-indo, TVXQ-island, and *im forget*"
the admind asked her : "r u mod on soshified?" she said : "oh, no, but im mod in other forum i said except ssf"
so I PM her and ask, she said she is a translator on ssi. She is not!!!
LIAR. i don't like her ><
Labels: new skin, note, seunghyunfied, snsd-indo
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:14 PM