New moon release date...shiiiitt ><

at least new moon release on 25/26 Nov. in Jakarta
and tomorrow, only at EX
hukkss... so far
and then, my plan to go watch on 26... shit!!!
must be very crowd! and can't gwt the ticket
uuff... hate 21!
on new moon officall website, new moon out in indonesia at 20 November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: twilight
+SiLent Love+ @ 3:27 PM

10 days to go!!!
ow yeayy...
10 days to gooo~~
actually just 4/5 days.. but i'll go watching on November 26th
because on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th days definitely so crowd... won't get the tickets!
and 27th is holliday. so we (maybe) can go
why i writed "maybe"???
because on 30th... the Exams is Start... NOOO!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
must watch NEW MOON before exams or i won't study hard...
after opened the offical site yesterday.. then i want to watch more... huhu
cool siteee!!!!
Labels: friendship, holiday, movie, school, twilight
+SiLent Love+ @ 8:44 PM

hmm... because of the movie : 2012
i want to write my opinion abt doomsday
as we know, no one is know when the doomsday is.
as i heard today at the cruch. only god who know when the day is, jesus, angel, and we all don't know. never dont know
so, why they are say if the doomsday on 21-12-2012?
then, better if we still don't know.
i think if we know, then we will more religious... pray, go to the cruch
but, it unless if we do it only because doomsday... the date is come, blah blah blaahh
we still will meet our crack of doom.... when we die.
all people will die, right?
but, we must prepared ourselves from now...
i read it on holly bible
doomsday will come....nobody can't stop it.
but they are must stop to...PREDICT it...
let the God do it all.. we just wait...wait the doomsday is come..
+SiLent Love+ @ 11:54 AM

yay!~ be a Twilighter again :)
honestly, i don't really like Twilight at 1st...because i'm not serious when read the book
and sleepy when watched the
but, when i heard New Moon is almost out (20 November), i read the books again from Twilight and now Eclipse :p
and then.... i realized that the story is good...hmm..
can't Wait until 20 November... aissh...
yeah..2nd movie i like after Harry Potter
1. Harry Potter (of course)
2. Twilight saga
3. Death note
yay!~ Top Three~
uff... now, confuse how to watch the movie..
i planned with my friends, watch on November 22nd or 23rd
on 22nd, my friends is celebrate her birthday, but price for watch is... rp.35000
Labels: death note, harry poter, movie, twilight
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:28 PM

Choose for our Life
"hidup ini adalah tentang mbwt pilihan. . . Apakah kt akn memlih utk membenci org ato mncintainy. . . Apkah kt memlih memelhara skt hati atau memaafkanny. . . Apakh kt memilih utk belajar ato diksi pelajaran. . . Yup tgl kt mau milih yg mana. . ."
it's the quote of my Teacher.
yeah, i realized too, we must choose if we want to continue our life.
2 parts of my attention. :
1. hate or love people
ah, i've heard too, when my friends said "gw ga percaya kalo benci dan cinta itu beda tipis"
yeah, if we hate someone, we can turn love he/she...
it's abt our believe it or not...
2. Broken heart or forgive
as we know, hard to forgive someone if they are broke our heart.
choose one.
lost in the past, or looks for future
+SiLent Love+ @ 2:08 PM

Drem jobs~
now, talk abt my dream job :)
1. Doctor
2. English Teacher
3. Lawyer
4. IT
1. Doctor~
my dream job since i was young..
i wants to save many people who get sick.
but... i don't want join the IPA class T__T
because i don't really like physics lessons, but i likes Biology<3
so...let's think abt it later...
2. English Teacher
like i said before.
English teacher got many salary..
maybe Rp 4-6.000.000 / month
and free day in weekend.
i want i want I WANT ><
3. Lawyer
kerja jadi pegawai negeri kayak gini sebenerna males juga..kuliahna..
tp pengenya tuh jadi pengacara yang nyelidikin kasus orang2 tertuduh dan ga bisa nyewa pengacara.... gratis bwat dia gt, dibayar gaji sama pemerintah doang..
kan enak bantuin orang gt. haha
4. IT
because i like to play computer <3
so i want to know more abt how to use computer, hacking account, etc...
study at IT :p
currently, i want to be english teacher
huff, im still have many times to think.. abt 3 years? :)
+SiLent Love+ @ 4:03 PM

one thing
i got one thing just i know abt myself
-gw suka ssuatu yang susah didapetin-
13 years passed and i'm jist realized it, lol
i know my best friend (tiina) know it from a long long time, she always know everything abt me, tiina i love uu ><
for example :
dari dulu tuh gw slalu suka sesuatu yg unik, yang orang laen ga suka dan gw tau itu susah banget bwat didapetin
tapi pas gw udah dapetin itu, yaudah ga suka lagi.
jadi cuma buat dapetinya itu... tantangaan<3
kae suka sama orang aja, misalnya dia anak SMA gt, kalo dah knalan, yaudah selesai
paling bbrapa minggu ato bulan kmudian, gw bakal ktawa2, bingung knapa dulu bisa suka dia, hehe..
jadi males blajar english lg =____="
guru english lg nyebelin, broken heart c...hho
jadi ga enak ngajarna... mana lg blajar Future tense..grammar plg nyebelin..huhu
tp gaji guru english d school gw lumayan jg... 6jt tuh
nanti masuk keguruan english aja deh, haha
masih SMP c, jadi masi banyak waktu wat mikir..
and banyak jurusan yg gw mau...
nanti aja deh ngomonginaa.. ahhaa
+SiLent Love+ @ 7:37 PM